Our Vision & Mission

To create a community where everyone has a decent place to live. A nation in which everyone can get healthcare they need. Every person has the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life.

Rebuild human dignity of poor and marginalized through an empowerment process, education, food security, health care, employment to unemployed and create opportunities for a sustainable society.

Trust visualizes a society in which peace, justice, and equality prevail and strives to build a society where all people have access to education, healthcare, employment, housing & sanitation and economic self-reliance, and where all people can realize their full potential offsetting barriers of caste, creed, color, language and gender.

Mr. Jan Mohammad Javaid (Late) – the Chairman Established charity organisations to help the less fortunate Making a lasting difference in countless lives Through JMJ,

Jan Mohammad Javaid (Late) exemplified compassion in action. His commitment to helping the less fortunate left an enduring legacy of kindness and support for those in need

He established and nurtured charity organization JMJ Trust that touched countless lives. Whether it was providing educational opportunities, healthcare access, or relief during crises, his dedication to improving the well-being of others resonated profoundly.

Mr. Jan Mohammad Javaid (Late)

Action Plan

Non-Specified Financial help, periodical or one time, to needy people.

Specified financial help for business, either one time or periodical to needy people.

Specified financial help for education to needy students.

Specified financial help for treatment of Sickness to needy person.

Specified financial help for marriage to needy, orphans either male or female.

Specified financial help for Qarz-e-Hasna.

Financial help to Organization functioning with the objectives matching with mission of JMJT.